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Oral Surgery


  • Removal of carious teeth

  • Removal of impacted wisdom teeth

  • Removal of jaw cysts

  • Root apex surgery (apicectomy)

  • Release of tongue tie

  • Removal of soft tissue swellings such as polyps and salivary cysts 

  • Biopsy of oral lesions for diagnostic investigation





Most of these procedures can be done under local anaesthesia. In more complicated cases or where a patient is very anxious or phobic, treatment can be undertaken with sedation or general anaesthesia.


Oral Medicine


Oral medicine  concerned  with the  diagnosis and non-surgical management of non-dental problems affecting the oro- facial region. 

These conditions may be limited to the mouth or be part of a systemic illness. Many systemic diseases  may have signs or symptoms that manifest in the orofacial region. Example conditions oral medicine is concerned with include-


Mucosal disorders 

  • Lichen planus

  • Vesiculobullous conditions-such as pemphigus

  • Recurrent oral ulceration

  • Pre-malignant lesions


 Pain disorders

  • Atypical facial pain

  • Myofascial pain

  • Burning mouth syndrome

  • Temporal arteritis

  • Temporomandibular joint disorder


Another aspect of the field is managing the dental and oral condition of medically compromised patients such as cancer patients suffering from related oral mucositis, bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws or oral pathology related to radiation therapy



Oral Cancer


Oral or mouth cancer is an uncommon type of cancer. In the UK about 7000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year.

Most cases of mouth cancer first develop in older adults who are between 50-75 years of age. The major risk factors are tobacco and alcohol.

Oral cancer can occur in younger adults and it's thought that HPV infection may play a role in these  cases.

Mouth cancer is more common in men than in women.


There are guidelines issued by NICE for the referral of suspected oral cancers




I can see patients with suspicious lesions to arrange any urgent investigations. This can be done at the Spire hospital, but any treatment for oral cancer has to be carried out at Addenbrooke's Hospital.


All new oral cancer patients are referred to the specialist head and neck multidisciplinary based at Addenbrookes At these clinic treatment is planned for patients with input from the team which includes surgeons, oncologists, specialist nurses, speech and language therapists, dieticians and restorative dental surgeons.

Salivary gland disorders

There are 3 paired major salivary glands in humans (the parotid gland, the submandibular gland, and the sublingual gland), as well as about 800-1000 minor salivary glands in the oral mucosa of the mouth.


I undertake investigation and treatment of salivary gland disorders





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Tel\Fax  01223 266196



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